Sunday Funday: Week in Review [1]


sundayfundaynewSunday Funday is a weekly(ish) post I’ve started to recap the bookish (and sometimes not-so-bookish) happenings in my life the past week! Feel free to participate, just link back!

Graduation is looming.

In roughly three weeks I will be walking across the stage getting my English B.A. and being thrust into the big kid world without a concrete idea of what I want to do. On the bright side, this week was the awards ceremony for my university’s liberal arts college, and I’m honored to say I won honors in both the English Department and the Religious Studies department (hard work does pay off!). I walked away with some nifty certificates, cords for graduation, and, of course, books from my professors.

Summer TBR List

For the first time I’m considering putting together a prioritized list of what order I want to read books in this summer. Usually once I finish a book I just meander over to Goodreads and pick whatever fits my mood, but I’m wondering if prioritizing would be better now that I’ve signed up on NetGalley, have been consistently writing reviews, etc. I’ve also seen a lot of bloggers come up with the cute idea of writing down all of their TBR titles and putting them in a jar, then pulling them out at random to determine what to read next, and the whimsy of this method also sounds appealing!

Navigating NetGalley

I signed up for NetGalley a little while ago and just requested my first book today! I’m really excited, but I’ve been dealing with some formatting issue when downloading the documents on my kindle app for my iPad. Hopefully this all gets sorted out because I really want to become an active user on NetGalley!

Gifted Books: The Boy on the Wooden Box was gifted to me by my Religious Studies professors, and We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves was gifted to me bu my English professors. I’m excited to add these to my TBR shelf because I haven’t read much contemporary adult fiction lately and I haven’t had a chance to pick up a holocaust book since Night a few years ago, and I’m sure The Boy on the Wooden Box will serve to be just as powerful. A professor I know also worked on the book, and she signed my copy, so that was fantastic!



The Giftcard Struggle

So I have a Barnes&Noble giftcard that I’ve been saving from my birthday this past winter to spend on summer reads, but the problem is I’m facing major conflict as to what to buy. I think I’ll definitely be using it on City of Heavenly Fire, but there’s so many other books to choose from- does anyone else struggle with what to buy vs what to get from the library? Or do you just buy them all and covet them no matter the cost?

Have a great Monday tomorrow guys! And let me know your thoughts in the comments: How do you determine your summer TBR list? Have you struggled with formatting issues with ebook ARCS? What books are you definitely willing to spend money on this summer?


3 thoughts on “Sunday Funday: Week in Review [1]

  1. I love this idea! I think I might have to do this next week!
    I don’t usually pick an order for what I’m going to read. I prefer to just pick what fits my mood when I get ready to read a new book. I’ve picked out the next two books I’m going to read, but I think setting out a list for the whole summer would stress me out and make me feel stuck. Does that make sense?
    I’m planning on buying Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson (heard so many good things) and The Spectacular Now for sure. But I want to buy, like, twenty other books. As always. I think I need to start going to the library more.

I love reading and responding to comments! Let me know your thoughts!