Top Ten Books From My Childhood I’d Like to Revisit

TTTcustombannerAs usual, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the fantastic blog The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s topic was Top Ten Books From Your Childhood/Teen Years You’d like to revisit. I decided to split my list in half between favorite childhood picture books and middle grade books!


1) Madeline– My absolute favorite childhood book, Madeline was my childhood role model. When I was eight I even got to “meet” Madeline at a Nordstrom Madeline brunch, and I had a lifesize Madeline doll!

2) Chicka Chicka Boom Boom– A close runner up for my favorite childhood book, my copy is so old and battered and I compulsively have to pick it up when I come across it. I also can’t read it without reading out loud. It’s so catchy!

3) Franklin– I loved the Franklin series! I had a lot of his picture books with the little read-a-long cassette tapes.

4) Jesse Bear- These books were gifted to me by my aunt and some of the first books I read when first learning how to read!

5) The Ramona Quimby series– I LOVED Beverly Cleary. She was my favorite childhood author.

Middle Grade

6) The Baby Sitter’s Club series– I was OBSESSED. I still have all of my BSC books and I especially loved all of the mysteries and super specials! (My favorites were Dawn and Stacey).

7) Amelia’s Notebooks– These were so fun to read! I still own most of them!

8) Bloomability– I love all of Sharon Creech’s books, and this is my favorite next to Walk Two Moons. I loved that this one explored Europe!

9) The Westing Game- I love love love this middle grade mystery. It’s like a game of Clue.

10) The Nancy Drew series– If you’ve been following my blog for a while you know I’m a huge Nancy Drew fan! Nancy is sassy and progressive for her time, and her mysteries were always intriguing. You can read more about my love for all things Nancy Drew here.

What books made your list this week?

45 thoughts on “Top Ten Books From My Childhood I’d Like to Revisit

  1. I definitely think Madeleine, Chicka Chicka, and Westing Game are books that everyone should read.

    Thanks for your list!

  2. Madeline! Oh, Madeline! I loved Madeline before I even knew how to read. We used to have one of the books. I’m not even sure if it was the first one, but I used to make my mom read it to me all the time. I was obsessed with the dolls, the show, the movie. Everything. I even remember playing computer games for Madeline. I got in trouble on my birthday one year because I told a classmate who I to this day cannot stand, “Poo-poo on you,” and gave him a raspberry. I remember being her for Halloween one year. I wanted to be a ginger so bad because she was one. Yeah. While other girls my age wanted to be a princess, I wanted to be a redheaded schoolgirl in Paris. My obsession was bad. It probably is one of my strongest obsessions I’ve ever had. I read Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech and loved it. I tried to read some of her other books (Ruby Holler and Chasing Redbird) without realizing they were by her. I think I just didn’t finish them because something else caught my eyes. Either way, I need to read more of her books and reread Walk Two Moons.

    • I LOVED Madeline too, but my childhood obsession was with Sailor Moon! I literally thought I WAS a sailor scout! Also, a schoolgirl in Paris doesn’t sound too bad for a childhood fantasy- you could’ve grown up to be like Anna from Anna in the French Kiss 🙂

  3. The Westing Game for sure!! I used to have a copy but somehow it isn’t on my shelf anymore… *cries* I just remember being terribly confused about what characters lived where and what the ending was all about but I feel like if I read it again now I might get a lot more out of it. Great post!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  4. Awww, awesome picks^^ I can’t believe I forgot to add The Babysitter’s Club to my list this week! I used to love those, I think I read all of them…unless they’re still coming out with new ones LOL I never read Nancy Drew growing up though, I’m not sure why – maybe cause I want to a French school – but I wish I had 🙂 Here’s my TTT post this week!

    Micheline @ Lunar Rainbows Reviews

  5. Three cheers for Bloomability! I loved all of Sharon Creech’s books when I was a kid too. The Wanderer was my favorite, so much so that I’m determined to name my first born daughter Rosalie (prettiest name ever, right?).

  6. I loved Nancy Drew when I was younger! As far as picture books go, I loved anything by Dr. Seuss and ones like If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. They were so cute! It’s funny how we distinctly remember what our favorite books were so long ago!

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