Are You a Seasonal Reader?

discussionmasterIt’s the cusp of February, and my local weather is having a nice little glimpse of spring. The sun is shining and various little woodland creatures have started appearing in my yard to taunt my cats through the windows. The temperature is just a hint shy of being short-sleeve weather. I’ve noticed this turn in weather just doesn’t alter the type of activities I want to do and clothes I want to wear, but it alters what I’m in the mood to read as well. This got me thinking: are there patterns in what I read depending on the season?

After reflecting upon this, I think the answer is a resounding YES. I gravitate not just toward reads that are blatantly seasonal during certain times of the year (such as reading Christmas themed books in winter) but I’m much more likely to read certain genres during different times of the year as well. I almost never read books set in the summer during the winter (I just feel like I can’t get into them as much) and my motivation to reread books is usually highest in the winter (which is when I almost always do my Harry Potter rereads…there’s just something about cold weather, hot tea, and blankets that makes you want to curl up with a familiar book). After analyzing my Goodreads challenges for the past few years, here are the trends I’ve noticed:

  • Winter: rereads, fantasy, heavier “issue” based contemporaries
  • Spring: contemporary romances, fairy tale retellings
  • Summer: books made into movies, vacation/destination/travel novels
  • Fall: thrillers, mysteries, spooky reads, paranormal

Of course these trends aren’t always the case. They get trumped by things like a new book in a series I love where I must read it the second it comes out, if I’m buddy reading a book with someone else, or it just so happens that I am able to get my hands on it at the library. Yet for the most part I prefer certain genres and types of books at certain types of the year. I always do a re-read in November/December (in 2014 it was the Shiver trilogy, in 2013 it was the Twilight series, and in 2012 it was Harry Potter). In the summer I tend to bulk up on many novels that have turned into movies since they are usually being released at that time of year, and in the spring I like to pick up more lightweight contemporary romances because they’re quick and feel-good reads that I can throw in my bag for a trip to the park or the pool. Unsurprisingly, fall puts me in the mood for mysteries and paranormal, as Halloween gets me into the spooky spirit.

seasonalreadingUp until now I had never really taken the time to think about the books I gravitate to during certain seasons, but I find that I’m already doing it a month into 2015. Most of the books I’ve read in January have been fantasy (such as Splintered) or heavier, issue based contemporaries (Eleanor & Park). I keep meaning to read Lola and the Boy Next Door, but I find myself wanting to save it for sunny weather and a carefree day…so obviously I’m holding out on reading a cute contemporary romance for the spring!

Do you think you reading habits are impacted by the season? What types of books do you gravitate to during certain months? Do you like reading books in the season they take place, or do you like enjoying a summer book in the middle of winter to give yourself a mental break from your current weather? Have you already fallen victim to seasonal reading habits in 2015? If you have habits like this, would you want to change them? Let’s discuss in the comments!